Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It's crunch time before the presentation... so what am I doing? Making stupidly short videos that say little to nothing.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Primary way to run a blog

Do posts. Unfortunately, our lives are busy. So unless this is our job, it's difficult to find the time.

Like I am. I'm writing this 5 minutes before leaving for work. And that's why it's this short.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Second Post - SNAFU Principle

Sorry I missed a post yesterday. I'm sure you are too.

But, I did work on the project, I swear. I spent hours digging through corporate sites, reading blog after blog and watching vlog after vlog. Technology is changing in regards to this subject faster than text books can keep up. In fact, the Case Study is an article from 2006. That's practically a decade ago in terms of internet conversational tools.

One of the things that strikes me as the most important when it comes to Internal Corporate Blogs is the desire to “flatten the topography of the corporate hierarchal structure”. To me this sounds like corporations' way of finding a workaround on the SNAFU principle.

What is the SNAFU principle?

Situation Normal All F----d Up. Fill in the blank on that one.

It basically is a way of looking at hierarchies and understanding that the people on lower rungs of the corporate/military/organizational ladder WILL NOT speak up and tell their superiors what's REALLY going on. Instead, they'll keep their mouths shut or tell them what they want to hear.

Why is this?

Their jobs, stupid. Most people don't want to lose them for just saying the ugly truth. Shooting the messenger happens often enough that people don't want to be the messenger. And they certainly don't want to be the person who writes the message in the first place!

So what are corporations doing with internal blogs to counteract SNAFU? Well, it'd be lame if I talked about that now. That's what the presentation is for.

Speaking of which, if anyone is actually reading this, what would you guys like to see in a presentation? Personally, I sometimes get bored to tears by just students standing in front of the class and speaking. Hell, I get bored when I listen to most of my professors.

So what do you guys want? Video clips? Will that somehow make it more interesting? Group interaction? Anything? Or is the solution to this problem of you guys being bored just us not delivering one and you guys getting to play on Facebook for 30 minutes?

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Post - Kind of an abstract for me

All views presented within this blog represent ONLY my views, and not necessarily the views of my GROUP. If you have a problem with what I say, take it up with me, not anyone else doing the presentation.

Hey everyone. If you're here, you probably followed the link from the webct email you received.

Introductions are first order, I suppose. My name is Craig Gabrysch, and this is my work blog for my group's presentation on Case Study 11.2, which we will be presenting on April 1st in our Organizational Behavior class.

Ack! That's just 10 days away!

So what if we procrastinated? And so what if I should be working on the research paper end right now?

Your questions are silly and beside the point. To answer the first question:

We just found out for sure what our presentation was.

To answer the second:

This blog is part of the research!

You see, this is our case study right here. So, since it's about corporate blogging, it makes sense that I have made one. To be honest, I've never done a work blog, and that's one of the closest things to a corporate blog. So, rather than just researching it, I'm making my own. Like they say, to do is to truly learn.

Besides, this thing has taken me all of an hour to make, from conception to completion. And I think that illustrates a good point about these blogs, one that we'll probably expand on.
